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Advisory Board of DSTS Master Program

The Master Program’s Advisory Board (Comitato di Indirizzo - CI) is a permanent committee that consults with the social, economic, and productive sectors of the territory.
Its functions are to assess the quality and relevance of the Master Program educational offerings in relation to the needs of the labour market and to propose improvements.

The composition of the Advisory Board ensures the presence of complementary skills and experiences that are aligned with the educational objectives of the degree program.

The Board is convened and coordinated by the Director of the Master Program and formally meets at least once a year, although its activities are carried out continuously through working groups and ad hoc consultations.

The Advisory Board of the DSTS Master Program (approved in September 2024) is currently composed by:

  • Agriturist (Dott. Gerardo Gondi)
  • CAPviaggi (Dott. Luca Chiti; Dott.ssa Martina Lucchesi)
  • CNA Toscana – sezione turismo e commercio (Arch. Elisabetta Norfini; Dott.ssa Paola Lorenzini)
  • Federalberghi Firenze (Dott. Francesco Bechi)
  • Turismo Verde (Dott.ssa Alessandra Alberti - CIA Toscana)




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