Useful links & documents
Italian Society of Tourism Sciences - SISTUR - click here. SISTUR is a non-profit cultural and scientific institution aiming at promoting aiming at promoting the deepening and dissemination of studies on tourism sciences, both nationally and internationally. The Association also seeks to foster relationships among scholars and experts to facilitate and stimulate research and education. The Association promotes research, surveys, and publications; organizes meetings and scientific congresses; carries out initiatives to support the achievement of the stated purpose, including actions to promote education, teaching, and research.
Regione Toscana webpage dedicated to regional tourism, cities of art, itineraries, quality of seas, Tourism Observatory and sustainable tourism - click here
Italian Ministry of Tourism - click here
Other international organizations working on tourism (external links)
AIEST - International Association of Tourism experts
ATLAS - Association for Tourism and Leisure Education
- European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry
ENAT - European network for Accessible Tourism
ETC - European Travel Commission
IFITT - International Federation for IT and Travel&Tourism
OECD Tourism - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development-Tourism
Original Travel - A travel company specialised in tailor-made holidays. They offer a lot of resources to study the complex word of tourism (see, e.g., the Food Tourist Guide)
PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association
UNWTO - World Tourism Organization
WTO - World Trade Organization
WTTC - World Travel and Tourism Council
Useful documents
- Mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training. Final Report, February 2016, European Commission (pdf document)
- Piano Strategico di Sviluppo del Turismo 2017-2022. Italia Paese per Viaggiatori. Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo. Maggio 2017 (pdf document in Italian)