AlmaLaurea (external site, in Italian) is a service managed by a Consortium of 64 Italian Universities with the support of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, which make the graduate students’ CVs available on-line.
As such, AlmaLaurea aims at acting as an intermediary between graduated students, Universities and Companies, in order to facilitate the entry of youth in the labour market and to support companies in the phases of personnel search, by minimizing matching times between demand and offer of qualified work.
Master degree course evaluation (comparison with national data)
The “Graduated students profile” (“Profilo dei laureati”, in Italian) developped by AlmaLaurea presents a picture of the human capital coming from Universities, through the analysis of some relevant aspects, like social origin, secondary school studies, regularity of study patterns and study conditions, evaluation of the university experience, language and information technology skills and competences, future perspectives.
The “Occupational condition of the graduated students” (“Condizione occupazionale dei laureati”, in Italian) developped by AlmaLaurea) monitors the professional access and employability of graduated students, till the first five years following the degree. It represents a useful tool to evaluate the efficacy of the University system and to measure the appreciation of the labor market with respect to graduated students.