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Do you want to contribute to shaping the tourism of the future? Are you interested in tourism and sustainable development?

The DSTS Master programme offers you the interdisciplinary knowledge and professional skills necessary to enter the complex world of tourism and make it a pivotal asset in ensuring a better future for all.

This degree course will provide you with competences for the sustainable management and organization of tourism activities based on the economic, natural, historical, and cultural heritage of the territory. You will acquire demographic and statistical skills to measure and monitor the social and economic impacts of tourism, and gain knowledge about the new trends of food as a strategic driver in producing value with sustainable tourism, promoting the preservation of rural development and biodiversity. Basic legal and contractual concepts related to tourism actions and travel activities will also be provided.

Our graduates aspire to become leaders in the enhancement of the natural, historical, and cultural resources of the territory; in the organization of local events and in the promotion of territories; in the construction of a multifaceted touristic offer, with specific expertise to meet the increasing demand for sustainability.

Cover image

Career day UniFI 2025. March 31st, 2025

Legacoop prize for thesis. 

Graduation day. Tuesday, April 15th, h. 14.00

Study plan presentation. March 21 - April 26

Seminars on Wine knowledge. April 10 and 17, h. 10.00-12.00

CREAConnect - progetto formativo. by LAMA Impresa Sociale

Leonardo da Vinci routes. European Cultural Itinerary certification

Job placement. Presentation of the university services

Stage possibility. 

DSTS Open day. slides

Webpage on "theses". Useful suggestions for preparing the Master thesis



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